Here’s some great news for all of our colleagues in the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences!
This is a message from ATLAS, the LAS tech service. If you’re having any difficulty getting the tech you need to teach this Fall, please reach out to your department’s EO’s and staff to make sure they know about this option.
ATLAS remains committed and ready to assist instructors with their technology needs as we transition into this unprecedented Fall semester. We realize that additional technology may be needed to support remote instruction. Things such as cameras, microphones, etc. may be needed to support instructional delivery. ATLAS has set aside funds to aid FTE instructors and faculty who need to purchase these types of devices.
ATLAS will provide up to $200 per instructor towards the purchase of this equipment. Due to capacity constraints, ATLAS is unable to handle the logistics of all of the potential requests, therefore we are requesting that the departmental business managers and/or administrative assistants track the requests and execute the purchases and delivery of these devices. Please maintain a spreadsheet of these items including cost, item, names, and NetIDs.
If your unit has substantial needs beyond what this initiative can support, please let us know so we can work with you to come up with a solution. ATLAS will review the spreadsheet and do a lump fund transfer to the departments after the semester is over (we are targeting mid-January for the transfer).
Thank you