Acts as the Union’s spokesperson and representative on and off-campus. Organizes the Executive Council and Labor Management Meetings. Develops the yearly schedule of events and shepherds the goals and actions of the union. Keeps in regular contact with leaders of other higher ed unions in Illinois and advocates for NTFC to our affiliates, IFT, AFT, AAUP. Conducts outreach to units on campus that contain Specialized Faculty.
Heads the Solidarity efforts. Assists the President in organizing, the Bargaining Research Chair and the Communications Chair as needed. Carries out member outreach and event planning and maintains regular contact with higher ed unions within and outside of Illinois and assists the president in advocating for NTFC to our affiliates, IFT, AFT and AAUP. Facilitates Executive Council Meetings should the President be unable to do so.
Maintains our non-financial records including union membership records and our IFT affiliate database; records or delegates the minutes of the Executive Council and other meetings as necessary; assists the President in correspondence; and performs other duties as delegated by the President or assigned by the Executive Council.
Records financial transactions using an online ledger. Reimburses members for expenses related to conferences, social events, etc. Advises EC on budget and tax-related issues. Corresponds with Bainsly and Kiener Accounting, IRS, IFT, and UIUC Payroll to address any financial concerns or records.
Bargaining Research Chair
Conducts research to assist with developing proposals for bargaining the NTFC contract. Examples of this might include reviewing recent grievances to see if there are any issues that could be addressed through bargaining, talking to members of the steward’s council about their ideas for our next contract, or surveying membership to see what are their top priorities for bargaining. The bargaining research chair also serves as a member of the bargaining committee (during bargaining years), and helps foster communication between that committee and the executive committee.
Grievance Chair
Listens to member concerns and consults with grievance committee and EC to determine whether a grievance should be written. Files a formal grievance when a member’s contractual rights are violated. Determines when to appeal grievances to a higher level.
Communications Chair
Manages external communications for NTFC, including keeping membership and the bargaining unit up-to-date on relevant events and union activities via email and social media. Collaborates with Executive and Stewards Council members to gather relevant information on union activities to communicate to membership. Manages and creates content for NTFC’s social media accounts and website. The Comms Chair also helps manage and maintain the union’s internal communications platforms.
Chief Steward
Connects with the department stewards to keep track of membership concerns within units and communicate initiatives and events between the Executive Council and Stewards Council. Assists stewards in outreach efforts within their units and in developing programs & materials. Conveys information about bargaining unit pulls to the corresponding stewards.