By Shawn Gilmore, NTFC President :: Apr 14, 2017 :: Colleagues —
Lovely weather and only a few weeks left in the semester means that NTFC Local #6546 is wrapping up some of its business.
Our Stewards Council elections have concluded and the Council will be meeting in an official capacity from now on, serving as the representative voice of the membership.
Next week, we have our annual officer elections, meaning that in May, a new set of officers will form our Executive Council. I look forward to introducing them here.
Our unionized tenure-track colleagues at the University of Illinois, Springfield will have some big news in the near future and will need our attention and support as their contract negotiations drag on. Follow them here, and keep an eye on their progress at their facebook page.
On Thursday, April 27, UPI and IFT are hosting a “Teach Out” with faculty and students from all corners of the state converging on Springfield. I’ve attached a variety of materials for those interested, including an IFT Executive Board resolution in support of the event. Buses will be leaving from a number of locations, including one from UIUC, departing from the Armory, between 4th and 5th at 8:30 am on April 27th. Anyone (NTFC, CFA, GEO, undergrads, etc.) who wants to go can sign up at: 4100/calendar/april-27th-teach -out. The deadline for signing up for seats is soon. Below the fold is a letter penned by John Miller, President of UPI.
Finally, mark your calendars our end-of-semester activities. We will hold our Work-In at the Illini Union on Reading Day (5/4). And the next we’ll celebrate the one-year anniversary of signing our first collective bargaining agreement with a potluck (5/5). Both are to open to all friends of the union.
Later on today, our regulars will be out for our weekly Happy Hour today, at or around 5pm, at our normal location, Quality Bar, in downtown Champaign. Come on out if you’re local to celebrate the end of the week!
In solidarity,
Shawn Gilmore
President, NTFC Local #6546