We are excited to report the progress we have made. We have strong concerns about the upcoming session, but first, the progress.
Today, we signed five tentative agreements.
A tentative agreement means that both sides have agreed to the language within specific pieces of the contract. Once all of the pieces have tentative agreements, then everything is assembled as a whole and sent to the membership for a vote. An overview of the tentative agreements reached today is included at the end of this post.
So what’s left? And why are we concerned?
What’s left is Wages. We are concerned because their initial response to our wage proposal rejected everything. They want to leave all wage decisions to their unilateral discretion.
Essentially, they want us to give up our right to negotiate wages, and it’s going to be difficult to persuade them otherwise if we don’t have members in the room.
So, two weeks from today, we need to show-up and show them–
We Have a Say in Our Pay
Next Session:
May 31st (No session will be held next Friday, May 24th)
Illinois Fire Service Institute (Digital signs within the building will alert you to the room.)
Yes, the next session is an all-day session. But remember, you can arrive and leave at-will.
Contact our Lead Negotiator, Kay Emmert ake153[@]hotmail.com with any questions you have.
Overview of the Tentative Agreements Reached on 05/17/19
The five tentative agreements reached today provide language like, but not limited to, the following:
Side Letter
- Within 2 years, all departments will define full time work for their positions. This ensures that Extra work = Extra Pay
Article IX: Benefits and Leaves
- Greater clarification for when benefits end
- Retirees can gain library privileges by applying for a 0% appointment
Article X: Appointment, Reappointment, and Promotion
- Multi-year contracts for the Teaching and Clinical Associate and Full Professor lines
Article IV: Union Membership & Activity
- Access to more complete membership data so that we can better enforce our contract.
- Presentation time at New Faculty Orientation
Memorandum of Understanding
- Members who were misclassified as Visiting will have the years in which they were misclassified counted towards their years of service