Our Bargaining Research Team is hard at work on our next proposal.
Let us know here!
Non-Tenure Faculty Coalition, University of Illinois
Our Bargaining Research Team is hard at work on our next proposal.
Let us know here!
Check here for a breakdown of the bargaining sessions as we go.
We will post immediately after each session!
Stop by Thursday, October 10 any time between 1pm and 5pm in the University YMCA Board Room for a membership meeting. NTFC members are encouraged to drop in at their convenience and hear about what’s in store for NTFC this semester.
Fall 2024 All Members Meeting
[Read more…]We encourage you to call Provost John Coleman’s office at 217-333-6677 in support of UIUC’s Building Service Workers and Food Service Workers.
Effective August 16, 2024, the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign has agreed in the new union contract to provide computers for specialized faculty.
Some colleges, such as LAS, already have existing programs to provide computers. Some other colleges in the University have no such program, and faculty were expected to use their own funds to purchase a computer.
If you’re in a college such as FAA or Gies that has never provided you a computer, you may now contact your unit IT office and request one.
If you’re a new hire (in any college or unit of the University), you may also request a computer with your unit IT office.
These computers will be supplied by the University, and will not come out of any professional development funds provided by your unit.
If you previously received a computer from the University, but it has been 5 or more years since your computer was replaced, you may contact your unit IT office and request to have your computer replaced or refurbished.
Article VII, Section B of the new collective bargaining agreement states as follows:
“In addition, a work computer appropriate for the work-related duties assigned shall be provided at the time of an initial hire to a title covered by this Agreement and shall be refreshed at least every five (5) years in accordance with the State of Illinois and University procurement rules.”
With any questions, you may contact the Executive Committee of the Non Tenure Faculty Coalition Local #6546 via email at ntfc6546[at]gmail.com.
This article explains how you can estimate what the salary in your Notice of Appointment (NOA) letter should be, per the new NTFC contract.
If you prefer to watch a video with this information, a video and slides are provided at the bottom of this page.
I. New Faculty:
If the salary offer you accepted was at least $57,000 for instructors/lecturers, or at least $60,000 for professorial tracks, then the salary offer you accepted should remain unchanged.
If the salary offer you accepted was below $57,000 for instructors/lecturers, or below $60,000 for professorial tracks, then your salary will be updated so that it is at least $57,000 for instructors/lecturers, or at least $60,000 for professorial tracks.
II. Returning Faculty:
If your AY23-24 salary was less than $60,000, and you started in a position represented by NTFC on or before August 2022, then you will receive the following raises, in order:
If your AY23-24 salary was less than $60,000, and you started in a position represented by NTFC after August 2022, then your only raise is either the usual percentage raise* or a raise to the new salary floor (the floor is $57,000 for instructors/lecturers, $60,000 for professorial titles), whichever is greater.
If your AY23-24 salary was between $60,000 and $64,999, and you started in a position represented by NTFC on or before August 2022, then you will receive the following raises, in order:
If your AY23-24 salary was between $60,000 and $64,999, and you started in a position represented by NTFC after August 2022, then your only raise is the usual percentage raise.*
If your AY23-24 salary was between $65,000 and $69,999, and you started in a position represented by NTFC on or before August 2022, then you will receive the following raises, in order:
If your AY23-24 salary was between $65,000 and $69,999, and you started in a position represented by NTFC after August 2022, then your only raise is the usual percentage raise.*
If your AY23-24 salary was between $70,000 and $74,999, and you started in a position represented by NTFC on or before August 2022, then you will receive the following raises, in order:
If your AY23-24 salary was between $70,000 and $74,999, and you started in a position represented by NTFC after August 2022, then your only raise is the usual percentage raise.*
If your AY23-24 salary was $75,000 or greater, then your only raise is the usual percentage raise* (and if you’re receiving a promotion, you’ll also receive the promotion-based increase).
*The usual percentage raise: exact amounts will vary.
The following video explains how to calculate your AY24-25 salary. (Note that in the video, Theresa refers to the contract as a “tentative agreement.” That’s because she recorded the video before NTFC membership voted to ratify the contract. As of August 16, 2024, the contract is now in effect.)
If you have questions after learning about the AY24-25 salary increases, you may contact NTFC’s Executive Committee at ntfc6546[at]gmail.com.
During the summer, while many students and faculty are off campus, University administration has quietly introduced four new policies aimed at limiting public expression.
We all saw what happened this spring, when members of our campus community exercised their right to free speech and were met by shameful repression at the hands of University administration. Rather than regretting their ill-advised decisions, administration is now trying to codify repression in the Campus Administrative Manual.
These four policies are currently open for public comment by anyone with a NetID.
The policies are FO-86, FO-15, FO-81, and FO-82. Here is the link to leave public comment.
We encourage all members of the University of Illinois community who care about free speech and nonviolent collective action to write a comment on these policies before the August 11 deadline, to let administration know that these policies are undemocratic and inappropriate for a college campus.
“Last semester, the university unlawfully tried to make SEIU bargaining members dismantle the Free Palestine encampment. Now, when they think no one will pay attention, they are trying to push out a new policy in the Campus Administrative Manual that would give the university the unimpeded authority to require such a thing, potentially putting the job of any worker who doesn’t comply at risk.”
-Lindsey Stirek, NTFC Steward, in reference to policy FO-15.
“An issue throughout these four policies is that they hinge on prior approval and/or proper forms of request, which chills free speech by default.”
-Shawn Gilmore, NTFC Steward